start of us space studies and NACA was born and
the team was ready to start exploring space. -
launch of Sputnik
First srattile ever to reach space.Somthing left are
atmsphere and to space. -
Explore 1
First us stattlie to circle earth made by the united states.
And got data to study at NACA. -
NASA and DOD become all buddy buddy with one another
and share technolgy. -
Gus circles earth
Gus an ansouant circles earth 13 times. Beats the
Sovient Union which only circle once. -
JFK talks to cogress
Jhon tells congress to bring a man to the moon and back.
He wants a man on the moon before the end of the decaid. -
two turtles lave earths gavity
Two Rassia trutles exits the atmsphere and to space.
As USA get closer to the moon. -
first sovient docking
Soyuz 4 and 5 dock with one another. The two Sovient
crafts dock woth one another in space. -
Mon landing
Neil and his crew launch to space to land on the moon
and stay there for 2 hours. Also get data for NASA. -
USS Hornet
USS HornetPresident Nixion meet them from outsode of the bio booth
on the USS Hornet.