Space Race

By Kinzie
  • USSR Launches Sputnik

    USSR Launches Sputnik
    The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball. Took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path.
  • USA Launches Explorer 1

    USA Launches Explorer 1
    First U.S. satellite and the first satellite to carry science instruments. Followed a looping flight path that orbited Earth once every 114 minutes.
  • USA Launches Ham- A Chimpanzee on Mercury 2

    USA Launches Ham- A Chimpanzee on Mercury 2
    HAM was the first chimp in space. Blasted off to an altitude of 157 miles during the Mercury-Redstone 2 mission.
  • USSR Launches Luna 3

    USSR Launches Luna 3
    The third spacecraft successfully launched to the Moon and the first to return images of the lunar far side.