korolev a scientist for the Soviet union
Korolev was apart the scientific team that launched the first Soviet liquid fueled rocket in 1933. -
when the space race began
The space race was a rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union to explore space. It all started in 1957 when the Soviets launched sputnik 1 into orbit. -
sputnik 1
Russia launched Sputnik 1 October 4 1957. Sputnik 1 was the worlds first artificial satilite. this was bad news for the United Sates because if Russia could launch a satilite they will be able to launch nuclear missiles too. -
when NASA was created
On July 29, 1958 the United States craeted a government agency in charge of its space program called the National Arenautics and Space Administration (NASA). -
Yuri Gagarin.
On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first human ever to travel into space. -
Alan Shpard
on May 5, 1961 Alan shepard became the first American to go into space in Apollo 14 but Allan Shepard did not orbit earth. -
Apollo 8
Aollo 8 was the first of the Apollo series to successfully orbit the moon and the first manned spacecraft to leave earths surface on December 21, 1961. -
John Glenn
On Feburary 20, 1962 John Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth completing 3 orbits in 1962. John was the oldest person to ever travel into space at the time in freedom 7. -
Neil Armstrong
On July 20, 1996 Neil Armstrong was the first American man to walk on the moon and put the United States flag on the moon not to claim it but to simply commemorate the United States role in the Apollo 8 moon landing. -
Luna 15
On July 21, 1996 Luna 15 was suposed to land and robotically collect rocks and soil and return back to earth but Russian technissions changes Luna 15's corse trying to get close to the American landing sight but Luna 15 crashed trying to land and the Americans successfuly accomplished there mission.