Space Race

  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
    On September 2nd, 1945 was the day that the Japanese surrendered on board the USS Missouri, marking the official ending of World War II
  • President Eisenhower in Office

    President Eisenhower in Office
    34th President of the United States of America, Dwight D. Eisenhower went into office January 20th, 1953 and left office January 20th, 1961
  • First Satellite in Space

    First Satellite in Space
    Sputnik was the first satellite in space in 1957 by the soviets
  • First ICBM Launch

    First ICBM Launch
    Soviet rocket designer Sergei Korolëv headed development of the R-7. There was a successful flight test and was powerful enough to launch a neckwear warhead against the United States or to hurl a spacecraft into orbit
  • First American Satellite in Space

    First American Satellite in Space
    The first satellite launched by the United States was called Explorer 1
  • NASA is formed

    NASA is formed
    NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was formed as a part of the United States government. It’s in charge of the U.S. science and technology that has to do with airplanes or space
  • Project Mercury

    Project Mercury
    Project Mercury was the first human space flight program of the United States running from 1958 through 1963. Its main goal was to put a man into earth orbit and return him safely, ideally before the Soviet Union
  • First Spacecraft to Impact the Moon

    First Spacecraft to Impact the Moon
    Luna 2 was the first spacecraft to impact the moon. Luna 2 was originally named the Second Soviet Cosmic Rocket and nicknamed Lunik 2 in contemporaneous media, was the sixth of the Soviet Unions Luna programme spacecraft launched to the moon
  • Project Gemini

    Project Gemini
    Project Gemini was NASA’s second human spaced light program. Conducted between projects Mercury and Apollo, Gemini started in 1961 and concluded in 1966. It carried a two-astronaut crew
  • Project Apollo

    Project Apollo
    The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the third United States human spaceflight program carried out by NASA, which succeeded in Kanin during the first humans on the Moon from 1969 to 1972
  • President Kennedy in Office

    President Kennedy in Office
    35th President of the United States of Amercia, John F. Kennedy, also called JFK, went into office on January 20th, 1961 after Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • President Kennedy State of the Union

    President Kennedy State of the Union
    In the Union message JFK addressed to Congress at the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. In his speech he discusses his concerns regarding three president economic recession, the depreciation of the American dollar and many other things
  • First Person in Space

    First Person in Space
    Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space by the Soviet Union, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    Alan Shepard Jr. became the first American in space. Shepard launched into space inside his Freedom 7 capsule.
  • Project Mercury-Freedom 7

    Project Mercury-Freedom 7
    Freedom 7, also known as Mercury-Redstone 3, was the first United States human spaceflight, piloted by astronaut Alan Shepard. It was the first crewed flight of Project Mercury. The project had the ultimate objective of putting an astronaut into orbit around Earth and return him safely.
  • Project Mercury-Friendship 7

    Project Mercury-Friendship 7
    Friendship 7, also known as Mercury-Atlas 6, was the first orbital space flight. Piloted by astronaut John Glenn and operated by NASA as part of Project Mercury, it was the fifth human spaceflight
  • President Kennedy Rice University

    President Kennedy Rice University
    I’m 1962 President Kennedy stood in front of about 40,000 people in Rice University’s football to deliver one of the most famous speeches in American history. In his speech he said his goal was for the United States to land on the moon by the end of the decade
  • First Women in Space

    First Women in Space
    Valentina Tereshkova was the first women to travel in space by the Soviet Union. She was launched on a solo mission aboard the spacecraft Vostok 6. She spent more than 70 hours orbiting the Earth, two years after Yuri Gagarin’s first human-crewed flight in space
  • President Kennedy’s Assassination

    President Kennedy’s Assassination
    President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd, 1963 in Dallas Texas while riding in a presidenta, motorcade through Dealeg Plaza. He was shot by former U.S. Marine Lee Harvey Oswald, firing ambush from a nearby building
  • First Spacewalk

    First Spacewalk
    Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Lenovo became the first person to leave a space capsule and, tethered to it, float freely in orbit-to space walk. He was pilot of the Voskhod W mission, part of the Soviet Unions attempt in competition wing the U.S. to reach the moon
  • First American Spacewalk

    First American Spacewalk
    Ed White became the first American to go for a walk in space. The fear came ten weeks after Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov conducted the first spacewalk. White spent roughly 20 minutes floating in space attached by only a 23 foot tether and 25 foot umbilical, with the world far below him.
  • Project Gemini-Gemini 4

    Project Gemini-Gemini 4
    Gemini 4 was the second crewed spaceflight in NASA’s Project Gemini. It was the tenth crewed American spaceflight. Astronauts James McDivitt and Ed White circled the Earth 66 times in four days, making it the first U.S. flight to approach the five day flight of the Soviet Vostok 5
  • Sergei Korlëv: Major Soace Race Achievemnets and Death

    Sergei Korlëv: Major Soace Race Achievemnets and Death
    Sergei Korolëv was diagnosed with cancer, and died on January 14th, 1966, during surgery on his colon. His heavy lifted rocket stayed in development for a decade, but never had a successful flight; its launch attempts included a huge exploding in 1969. He did not live long enough to see humans land on the Moon
  • Project Gemini-Gemini 8

    Project Gemini-Gemini 8
    Gemini 8 was the sixth crewe spaceflight in NASA’s Gemini Program. It was the 12th crewed American flight and the 22nd crewed spaceflight of all time
  • Project Apollo-Apollo 1

    Project Apollo-Apollo 1
    Apollo 1, initially designated AS-204, was the first crewed mission of the United States Apollo program, the undertaking to land the first man on the Moon.
  • Project Apollo-Apollo 8

    Project Apollo-Apollo 8
    Apollo 8 was the first crews spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit, and also the first human spaceflight to reach another astronomical object, namely the Moon, which the crew orbited without landing and then departed safely back to Earth
  • President Nixon in Office

    President Nixon in Office
    37th President of the United States of America was Richard Nixon. He came into office on January 20th, 1969 and left office August 9th, 1974
  • First to Walk on the Moon

    First to Walk on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon. He and Buzz Aldrin walked around for three hours. The spaceflight, Apollo 11, was the one that landed humans on the moon.
  • Project Apollo-Apollo 11

    Project Apollo-Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that landed the Apollo Lunad Module Eagle.
  • Project Apollo-Apollo 13

    Project Apollo-Apollo 13
    Apollo 13 was the seventh crewed mission in the Apollo space program and the third meant to land on the Moon. The craft was launched from Kennedy Space Center, but the lunar landing was aborted after an oxygen tank in the service module failed two days into the mission.
  • Project Apollo-Apollo 17

    Project Apollo-Apollo 17
    Apollo 17 was the eleventh and final Moon landing mission of NASA’s Apollo program, and remains the most recent time humans have travelled beyond low Earth orbit
  • Apollo-Soyuz Docking

    Apollo-Soyuz Docking
    Apollo-Soyuz was the first crewed international space mission, carried out jointly by the United Sates and the Soviet Union in July 1975. Millions of people around the world watched on television as a United States Apollo module docked with a Soviet Union Soyuz capsule.