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Space Race : Main Events

  • Proyect Mercury

    Proyect Mercury
    It was developed from 1958 to 1963 and it was the first human spaceflight program by the Unites States (Nasa) in which they wanted to put a man into Earth orbit and then tried to return him safely, was made by the astronaut Jhon Glenn and it costed a lot of money so it was the first time they do it.
  • Proyect Gemini

    Proyect Gemini
    The proyect Gemini was developed between 1961 and 1966 , it was the NASA's second human spaceflight program , it was made by 2 astronaut crew and 16 individual astronauts and their goal was to develop the space travel techniques to support the Apollo mission to land astronauts on the Moon. Also it allowed the United States to catch up and overcome the lead in human spaceflight capability.
  • Vostok programme

    Vostok programme
    This programme was developed between 1961 and 1963 which was a Soviet human spaceflight project to put the first Soviet citizens into low Earth orbit and return them safely, competing with the United States proyect Mercury. They send about 6 vostoks to the orbit.
  • Soyuz programme

    Soyuz programme
    This programme made by the Soviet Union was developed from the 1963 to the 1974 so they send several spacecrafts , It was the third Soviet human spaceflight programme and it was one part for try to achieved to put a Soviet astronaut on the Moon.
  • Voskhod programme

    Voskhod programme
    This programme only lasted 2 years from 1965 to 1966 taht was the second Soviet human spaceflight project in which they made one day crewed missions using the Voskhod spacecraft and rocket , but then it was abandoned and they concentrated on the Soyuz programme.
  • Apollo Program

    Apollo Program
    It was prepared from 1968 to 1972 and it was the third United States human spaceflight program by the NASA in which they manage to land the firsts humans on the Moon and they returned the astronauts completely safe. It was made by the famous astronauts Edwin Eugene,Miguel collins and Neil Armstrong. This was the best Program made by the US and the most difficult one , so any human had landed on the Moon.
  • Salyut programme

    Salyut programme
    This maneuvering last around 15 years from 1971 to 1986 which was the first space station programme by the Soviet Union and their goal was to study the problems of living in space and a variety of astronomical, biological and Earth-resources experiments, besides this operation broke some records such us mission duration records.
  • Space Shuttle program

    Space Shuttle program
    It was developed from 1977 to 2011 and it was the fourth human spaceflight program carried out by the U.S. Their goal was to made a reusable method for carryng astronauts to the space , first it was sended a Space Shuttle and then were sended astronauts.