Space Race

  • Sputnik

    The worlds first artificial satellite put up in space by the Soviet Union
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    Carried a small dog into space.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    The first american satellite to reach orbit.
  • Explorer 2

    Explorer 2
    This is another american satellite but fails to reach orbit.
  • The Vanguard 1

    The Vanguard 1
    American satellite that functions for 3 years
  • Sputnik 3

    Sputnik 3
    The third satellite launched by the Soviet Union
  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Pioneer 1

    Pioneer 1
    Launched by US. First spacecraft launched by NASA.
  • Luna 1

    Luna 1
    USSR. First man made object to orbit the sun.
  • Pioneer 4

    Pioneer 4
    US. Launched on a earth-moon trajectory. Feel into solar orbit.
  • Mercury Seven

    Mercury Seven
    US. Astronauts are selected by NASA.
  • Luna 2

    Luna 2
    USSR. First man made object to impact the moon.
  • Luna 3

    Luna 3
    USSR. Orbits the moon and photographs 70% of it's surface.
  • Tiros 1

    Tiros 1
    First successful weather satellite, is launched.
  • Discoverer XIV

    Discoverer XIV
    First camera equipped spy satellite.
  • JFK

    35th president. Joins the space race.
  • Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin
    Orbits earth once and becomes the first man in space.
  • Gherman Titov

    Gherman Titov
    Spends a day in space aboard Vostok 2
  • Valentia Tereshkova

    Valentia Tereshkova
    First woman in space.
  • Alexei Leonov

    Alexei Leonov
    Spends 12 minutes outside of his spacecraft performing the first spacewalk.