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Space Race

  • First Satellite in Space by the USSR

    First Satellite in Space by the USSR
    The Soviet Union launched the first satellite called Sputnik 1. This was a shock to the US because they thought they would be the first to accomplish this achievement.
  • First Animal in Space by USSR

    First Animal in Space by USSR
    The first animal was sent to space by the Soviet Union again and was called Sputnik 2. The dogs name was Laika.
  • First Satellite in Space by the USA

    First Satellite in Space by the USA
    The first Satellite was sent to space and was called the Explorer 1.
  • Creation of Nasa

    Creation of Nasa
    President Eisenhower signs the National Aeronautics and Space Act creating Nasa. However, did not officially start business until October 1, 1958.
  • First Animal in Space by the USA

    First Animal in Space by the USA
    The US launched a chimp named Ham. He went to space and came back safely. However, he came back a little dehydrated.
  • First Man in Space by USSR

    First Man in Space by USSR
    The Soviet Union launches Yuri Gagarin into space becoming the first man in space. He spent 1 hour 48 minutes up there before landing back in Russia.
  • First Man in Space By USA

    First Man in Space By USA
    Alan Shepard was the first US man to be launched into space and second man ever to be launched into space.
  • First Man to Orbit Earth By USA

    First Man to Orbit Earth By USA
    John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth and was a part of the first astronaut class.
  • JFKs Speech and Commitment to Getting to the Moon

    JFKs Speech and Commitment to Getting to the Moon
    JFK speaks at Rice University to gain public support to land a man on the moon before 1970 and bring them back safely.
  • First Man to Do An EVA By USSR

    First Man to Do An EVA By USSR
    Alexei Leonov was the first man to perform and EVA and spent 12 minutes outside his spacecraft.
  • First Man to Do An EVA By USA

    First Man to Do An EVA By USA
    Ed White was the first American man to do an EVA and second human ever to accomplish this.
  • Gemini 6A

    Gemini 6A
    Gemini 6A allowed us to become closer to landing on the moon allowing the rendezvous in Earth orbit.
  • Original Gemini 9 Crew

    Original Gemini 9 Crew
    The original crew involved Elliot See and Charles Bassett. However, they were killed in a crash flying a T-38 jet trainer to the McDonnell Aircraft plant in St.Louis, Missouri to inspect their aircraft.
  • Gemini 8

    Gemini 8
    Gemini 8 allowed Neil Armstrong to rendezvous and dock with the Agena. After that 2 space walks were planned.
  • Gemini 9

    Gemini 9
    The objective was to demonstrate rendezvous techniques and docking with a target vehicle to simulate maneuvers to be carried out on future Apollo missions. Tom Stafford and Gene Cernan.
  • Apollo 1

    Apollo 1
    Apollo 1 was supposed to be the first mission of Apollo however everyone involved would die at the ship caught on fire and eventually blew up. Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders were the 3 that would die during Apollo 1.
  • Apollo 7

    Apollo 7
    Apollo 7 was the first test of command and service module with a crew. Apollo 7 involved Donn F. Eisele, Walter M. Schirra Jr., and Walter Cunningham.
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8
    Apollo 8 was the first mission to take humans to the moon and back. The crew involved were Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and Bill Anders.
  • Apollo 9

    Apollo 9
    Apollo 9 was the first crew flight of Apollo lunar hardware, as well as the first crewed flight of the lunar module. The crew involved were James McDivitt, David Scott, Russell Schweickart.
  • Apollo 10

    Apollo 10
    Apollo 10 was a setup to Apollo 11 but however did not land on the moon. The crew members involver were Eugene Cernan, John Young, and Thomas Stafford.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the first mission to successfully land humans on the moon. The crew that was involved were Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin.