Period: to
space race
soviets lanch sputnik I
soviets lanch sputnik I -
USSR lanches sputnik 2
Sputnik 2 caryed a dog named laika who died when the nose of the rocket got to hot. -
U.S lanches explorer 1
explorer 2 is lanched but fails to reach orbit
vangared 1 is lanched
sputnik 3 is lanched
NASA is created
pioneer 1 is lanched
USSR lanches luna 1
first man made object to orbit the sun -
pioneer 4 is lanched trying to reach the moon
it came withen 37000 miles of the moon -
luna 2 is lanched
it hits the moon! -
luna 3 is lanched
takes pictures of 70% of the moon -
tiros 1 is lanched by U.S
U.S lanches discoverey XIV
Yuri gagaran is the first man in space
Alan.B shepard is first American in space
NASA announces the Gemini program
USSR lanches first woman in space
USSR makes first space walk
Luna 9 is the first space craft to soft land on the moon
astranauts are killed by fire in lanch pad teast
U.S makes the first man to walk on the moon
U.S and USSR work togeather to put russan on moon