Sputnik I
Spuntnik I was the first artificial satelite in space. -
Alan B. Shepard
Alan B. Shepard became the first U.S citizen in space. -
Yuri A. Gagarin
Yuri A. Gagarin was the first human in space. He orbited Earth and returned safely. -
Mariner 2
Its destination was Venus and it verifies very high temperatures in Venus's atmosphere. -
John Glenn
John Glenn became the first U.S citizen to orbit the Earth. -
Project Apollo
Apollo 11 landed on the moon's surface. Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon. -
Pioneer 10
Its destination was jupiter and it sent back photos of Jupiter and was the first space probe to encounter an outer planet. -
Viking I
Its destination was Mars its orbiter mapped the surface of mars; lander searched for life on Mars -
Its destination was Venus and it mapped Venus's surface and returned data on the composition of Venus's atmosphere -
Voyager I and II
Space Probes Voyager I and II were launched and are heading to deep space. These probes will explore beyond our solar systemas part as the voyager Interstellar Mission.