Space Program

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    Nazi Rockets

    Nazi Germany saw that they could use long-distance rockets as weapons. In WWII, London was attacked by 200-mile-range “V-2” missiles, going more than 3,500 miles per hour.
  • Experimental Rockets Launched

    Experimental Rockets Launched
    Experimental rockets were launched into outer space and were carried out time after time, but none could reach the desired altitudes. None of the rockets could get out to the desired regions of outer space.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Soviet Union was the first country to send an unmanned rocket/mission into space. They called the satelite Sputnik 1. The satelite stayed in space for 3 months
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    Russia launched another satellite called the Sputnik 2. Sputnik 2 carried a dog in space for 7 days.
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    Space Race

    The Americans were jealous of what Russia was doing, so they started to research space travel. They were determined to beat Russia to the moon
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    The United States, with Russia already having 2 satelites in space, determined to out-do Russia, launched their first satelite into space called the Explorer 1.
  • Explorer 2

    Explorer 2
    The United States launched a second satellite into space called the Explorer 2. But, it failed to reach the orbit stage.
  • Space Man

    Space Man
    People were always looking for a way to send people into space. They had already tried with animals, now it was time for people. Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space. The carier was Vostok 1. It orbited around the earth in 1 hour 48 minutes.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    “Landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth within a decade” was a national goal set by President John F. Kennedy.
  • Suborbital Flight

    Suborbital Flight
    The United States launched their first manned space mission with Alan Shepard. Alan Shepard managed to complete a suborbital flight.
  • Orbital Flight

    Orbital Flight
    While Alan Shepar was the first United States man to complete a suborbital flight, John Glen was the first United States man to complete orbital flight.
  • Apollo 1

    Apollo 1
    Apollo 1 caught fire during its simulation launch, killing all crew members. Russia’s attempt to land on the moon ended badly too when the Soyuz 1 ran into technical problems shortly after its launch.
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    Apollo Missions

    Six Apollo missions were completed during this time

    It became easier and safer to launch manned missions with new technology. With this new technology, they attempted to land on the moon, and it was successfully completed by Neil Armstrong and his crew on the Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong was also the first man to walk on the moon. With this achievement, America had won the "space race".
  • Satellite's Discoveries

    Satellite's Discoveries
    Satellites discovered an ozone hole over Antarctica, pinpointed forest fires, and gave us photographs of the nuclear power-plant disaster.