Project 0 dies in a hillarious explosion
77 seconds after lifting off Pioneer 0 (which was not even built by NASA) explodes and fails its initial mission to televise imagaes of the moon to earth. Following this incident the US officials tranferred the Spacecraft responsibility over to nasa as opposed to the US Air Force.
http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/pioneer-012.htm -
First Deep Space Probe, Pioneer 1 is launched
Pioneer 1 was the second of three project able space probes. It became the first spacecraft lauched by NASA. The spacecraft was created to study the ionizing radiation, cosmic rays, magnetic fields, and micrometerorites in lunar orbit around the earth. The spacecraft returned data about the near earth envionment even though it never reached the moon due to a trajectory error.
http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1958-007A -
Period: to
pioneer 4 active mission duration
Pioneer 4 becomes the 1st us spacecraft to enter orbit around the sun. Additionally, it sent back data on radiation in space and photographs of the moon before its signal was offiacially lost on March 6 1959.
http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/profile.cfm?Sort=Planet&Object=Moon&Mission=Pioneer_04 -
Pioneer 5 is Launched on a Thor Able Rocket
Pioneder 5 studided space between the orbits of Earth and Venus.
http://historicspacecraft.com/Probes_Pioneer.html -
Pioneer 10 is launched
Pioneer 10 Entered The Asteriod Belt
The material in the asteriod belt travels at about 20 km/second and some chunks of it are the size of the US State of Alaska. The belt itself is around 80km thick; nevertheless, Pioneer 10 made it out safely rather shortly.
http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/missions/archive/pioneer.html#.UrD0Z_RDtjQ -
launching of pioneer 11
Pioneer 11 blasts off at cape canaveral, later on it will orbit dangerousley close to Jupitar and through some of satern's outermost rings. -
The Voyager Mission Begins
Sorry but the actual date of the lauch is unknown for now. The first two voyager spacecrafts were lauched by this time and mandeged to travel by Jupitar, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune by the year 1989.
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?release=2013-278 -
Voyager 2 Passes close by Jupitar
Voyager 2 captured plenty of images of Jupitar as well as it's moons. Cracks on the icy surface of Europa and volcanism on Io were revealed by these photos. But the mission was riskey, as Voyager 2 came within 570000km of Jupitars cloud tops.