
Space Industry Projects

  • Mariner 4 - The purpose was to take the first photos of Mars

    Mariner 4 - The purpose was to take the first photos of Mars
    This project was executed by NASA, specifically their centre The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is operated by Caltech. Mariner 4 was the fourth in a unique series of spacecrafts built for space exploration, imagery, and scientific observation. Once photos had been sent back to earth, the project ended, lasting 3 years, and the outcome was the first terrain photos of Mars.
  • Venera 7 - The purpose was to collect of data from the surface of Venus

    Venera 7 - The purpose was to collect of data from the surface of Venus
    This project was executed by Lavochkin, full name Lavochkin Scientific and Production Association, a Russian aerospace company. This project is unique because it was the first spacecraft built to land on another planet and withstand high pressure and temperature. This project lasted for 120 days and ended in December. The outcome was 53 minutes of transmitted data from the surface of Venus.
  • The Hubble Space Telescope - Helping scientists understand our universe and our place within it

    The Hubble Space Telescope - Helping scientists understand our universe and our place within it
    Edwin Hubble and his team at the Mt. Wilson Observatory in California, US began the construction of the Hubble Space Telescope in 1970. This project is unique as it is the most advanced, versatile and the largest of is technology. The completion and launch of the telescope took place on April 24, 1990 making this a 20 year project. The Hubble Space telescope now orbits the Earth capturing images of galaxies, planets and stars.
  • Mars Pathfinder - Providing scientists with evidence regarding life on Mars

    Mars Pathfinder - Providing scientists with evidence regarding life on Mars
    The Mars Pathfinder project was directed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratories in California. The Mars Pathfinder was the first Sojourner rover to ever reach another planet. Designed to only last up to one week, the rover endured a total of 83 days on Mars. Results of this mission uncovered evidence that suggests that Mars may have once had flowing water.
  • First Space Tourist

    First Space Tourist
    Dennis Tito become the first space tourist when launched into space on a Russian spaceship where he spent eight days on board (Street, 2021). The trip fulfilled Tito's dream of flying to space (BBC, 2011), a trip he did only once. This was a unique project as allowed Tito to become the world’s first space tourist, yet paved the way for more space tourists to leave earth (BBC, 2011).
  • Curiosity Mars Rover

    Curiosity Mars Rover
    The Curiosity Mars Rover was launched by NASA in August 2012 as part of a long-term robotic exploration of the planet Mars to determine if Mars can support life (Greicius, 2017). Rover represents a huge step in robotic space exploration due to its advanced technological and mechanical abilities (Greicius, 2017). The Curiosity Mars Rover is still exploring Mars in 2021, however this specific project will not be repeated.
  • Falcon 9 - Flight 20/Orbcomm OG2 M2 was a project that was trialing the logistics of rocket travel. Its purpose was to land a rocket and therefore be able to be partially reused. Falcon 9's purpose is to be the most sustainable and cost effective rocket.

    Falcon 9 - Flight 20/Orbcomm OG2 M2 was a project that was trialing the logistics of rocket travel. Its purpose was to land a rocket and therefore be able to be partially reused. Falcon 9's purpose is to be the most sustainable and cost effective rocket.
    Falcon 9 was executed by Elon Musk and his company SpaceX. This projects deliverables were its physical satellites which entered into the atmosphere. As well as the formula for executing rocket landings. It was unique as modified from previous flights, with 11 new satellites. It was temporary as the project had a specific execution date to deploy the satellites on the 22/12/21. The outcome was that rockets could now reuse 60% of its initial manufacturing costs.
  • Mars Perseverance Rover - After the success of the Mars Curiosity Rover in 2012, two questions were raised and thought to be answered with Perseverance. Is there microbial life on Mars, and can a return project with samples be executed?

    Mars Perseverance Rover - After the success of the Mars Curiosity Rover in 2012, two questions were raised and thought to be answered with Perseverance. Is there microbial life on Mars, and can a return project with samples be executed?
    This project was executed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The deliverable of the project is the physical rover functioning on Mars, and the subsequent knowledge received. It was built upon previous lessons learnt from the Curiosity Rover with new technology. It is temporary because there were phases of planning dating back to 2012, and a landing date on Mars which was the 18/2/2021.