the u.s.a. joind the space race by launching their frist rocket
russia was already in the race so we needed to join so we could figuer out how to stop them. so they could not get better and become more advanced -
jhon gleen orbits the earth
jhon gleen orbited the earth in the friendship 7 and he was the first american to do that the reason he did that is so we could cacth up to russia in the space rase. -
kenedy had an announcement
he announced that for the first time someone is landing on the moon. because we were going to beat russia in the race by landing someone on the moon. -
valintina was the first woman in earth
valintina was the first woman to go to space the reason is so she could be cheacked off as the first woman to go to space -
first american to walk in space
Astronaut Ed White became the first American to walk in space. -
first american space craft to land on tne moon
Surveyor 1 became the first American spacecraft to land on the moon. -
neil armstrong landed on the moon
there were 3 men that were on tne rocket but 2 went out and 1 styed in the rocket.neil arm strong was the first one to land and said somthing an pt a flag down. -
First Manned Moon Landing
Apollo 11 makes the first successful soft landing on the Moon. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. become the first human beings to set foot on another world. Many experts still consider this to be the single greatest technological achievement of 20th century. -
apollo 13 was launchend
April 11 - Apollo 13 was launched. -
sputknit launchend intoobit
the first afficiol satilight by the sovets. the u.s. wasscared thatrussia had the tecnology to drop a nucler wepon