space exploration timeline

  • sputnik 1

    sputnik 1
    launch date:4 october 1956, 15:28:34 UTC
    mission type: technology
    It was the first artificial earth satellite it was a 58 cm diameter long. millitary technology, the mission was a success precipitated the americans.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    mission type: earth science
    launch date: february 1, 1958 03:48 UTC
    was the first satteries werepacecraft to detect data
  • mercury freedom 7

    mercury freedom 7
    mission type: test flight
    launch date: may 5, 1961 14:34:13 UTC
    the first united states human spaceflight the first manned
    flight of project mercury, the object of which was put an astronaut the earth and return him safely.
  • Gemini 3

    Gemini 3
    launch date: march 23,1965 14:24:00
    was the first manned mission in NASA's Gemini program
    they named if molly brown for short they had two crews on bored
    3 obits completed
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    mission type: manned lunar landing
    launch date: july 16, 1969 13:32:00
    the apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first himans on the moon. armstrong was first to step onto the lunar six. he spent two and a half hours outside the spacecraft.
  • viking 1

    viking 1
    mission type: obiter
    launch date: august 20, 1975
    was the first of two spacecraft sent to mars as part of NASA Viking program. the mission was successful, it landed on mars surface
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1
    mission type: outer planetary, heliosphere, and intersellar medium exploration
    launch date:september 5,1977 it studied the outer solar system operating for 36 years the spacecraft communicates with the deep space network to receive routine commands and return data.
  • columbia space shuttle (first launch)

    columbia space shuttle (first launch)
    mission type: to repair space telescope
    launch date: april 12 1981
    was the first spaceworthy space shuttle in NASAorbital fleet.the first mission was for the columbis to repair the hubble space telescope
  • Mars pathfinder

    Mars pathfinder
    mission type: lander, rover
    launch date: december 4, 1996 06:58:07 UTC
    The mars pathfinder is an american spacecraft that landed a base station with a roving probe on mars in 1997. the renamed it to the carl sagan memorial station. launched on december 4 1996 by NASA abored a Delta II booster a month after the mars global surveyor was launched.
  • international space station (ISS)

    international space station (ISS)
    launch date:1998
    the international space station is a modual component was launched in 1998. now the largest artifical body in orbit, it can often be seen at the appropriate time with the naked eye from earth. the ISS consists of pressurised modules, external trusses, solar arrays (components).
  • Kepler

    mission type: space telescope
    launch date: march 7, 2009 03:49:57
    it was disigned to survey a portion of our region of the miky way to discover dozens of earle size extrasolar planets in or near the habitabitable zone and estimate how many of the billions of stars in our galaxy have such planets.
  • Curiosity

    mission type:Mars rover
    launch date: november 26, 2011 15:02:00 UTC
    the curiosity is the size of a car robotic rover exploring gale crater on mars as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission curiosity was from Cape, Canaveral the mission was successful.
  • spirit and opportunity

    spirit and opportunity
    mission type: rover
    launch date: 2003
    exploring the plan in 2003 with the sending of the two rovers to explor the Martian syrface and geology. aracterizen was to search for and characterize a wild range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on mars.