Space Exploration Timeline

By Sl20229
  • First Telescope

    First Telescope
    Hans Lippershet was credited with the invention of the telescope.
  • First Moon Spotting

    First Moon Spotting
    Galileo Galilei was the first to spot the moon and its craters through a telescope.
  • First Successful Reflecting Telescope

    Issac Newton built the first successful reflecting telescope.
  • Exploration of Cosmic Space

    Russian rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky publishesThe Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Reaction Devices. This is the first serious work to be published that shows space exploration to be theoretically possible.
  • Launch of Liquid Fueled Rockets

    Launch of Liquid Fueled Rockets
    Robert H. Goddard launches the first multi-stage rocket and a rocket fueled with gasoline and liquid nitrous oxide.
  • Soviet Union Launches their First Rocket

    The Soviet Union launches their first rocket of there own
  • First Research Flight Launch

    The first research flight launched by the United States captured by the V-2 space rocket
  • First Launch of United States High Altitude Flight

    The U.S. military achieves its first high-altitude space flight using a rebuilt German V-2 rocket. Launched from the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, the flight reaches an altitude of 70 miles.
  • First American-Designed Rocket Reaches Space

    The United States launches its first American-designed rocket. Known as the Wac Corporal, the rocket reaches the edge of space at an altitude of 50 miles after being launched from the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico.
  • First Animal Launched into Orbit

    First Animal Launched into Orbit
    The spacecraft contained a pressurized container that housed a dog named Laika. The capsule contained a controlled atmosphere, food supply, waste collection system and biological sensors. Laika lived 8 days until the food supply ran out, and proved that animals could survive in space.
  • Period: to

    Space Race

    The United States and the Soviet Union compete to be the first to do things in space
  • Sputnik 1

    The launching of Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union began the space war with the United States. It was the first artifical satellite that was put in to the Earth's orbit.
  • NASA Formed

    NASA Formed
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed by the United States during the space race. NASA controls all missions and launches to space.
  • First Plant Returns from Space

    First plants return to Earth safely and alive from Earth's orbit.
  • Discoverer XIV Launched

    The Discoverer 14 was the first satellite into space by coming off a moving spacecraft in orbit and then reattached in mid-air. The satellite was successfully launched by the United States.
  • First American in Space

    Alan Shepard was on a tiny mercury capsule named Freedom 7 and was the first Amercian in space.
  • First Women in Space

    Valentina Tereshkova was the first (Russian) women in space sent by the Soviets on the Vostok 6 spacecraft. She was chosen out of 400 other applicants.
  • First American Spacewalk

    First American Spacewalk
    Ed White was the first American to complete a spacewalk. He was sent on mission Gemini 4. He was in space for 23 minutes and was over Hawaii and the Gulf of Mexico
  • Apollo 8

    Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon
  • Apollo 11

    The first flight that took men to the moon. This was a great achievement because the United States had reached the moon before the Soviet Union.
  • The First People on the Moon

    The First People on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins landed on the moon. Collins stayed in orbit around the moon to take pictures and do experiments. Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon for about 3 hours. They took samples, did expirements, and put the American flag on the moon.
  • Apollo 17's Return from the Moon

    Apollo 17 was th most recent moon landing by the United States. The crew consisted of Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt. The mission took about 12 days and no it's has returned to the moon since.
  • First Space Shuttle Launch

    The first manned mission of the Space Transportation System (STS-1), Columbia, is launched.
  • Voyager 2 Arrives at Saturn

    The Voyager 2 spacecraft arrives at Saturn and begins sending back images of the planet and its moons.
  • First Venus Soil Samples

    The Soviet Venera 13 spacecraft lands on the planet Venus and provides the first scientific analysis of Venus's soil.
  • Maiden Voyage of Challenger

    America's second Space Shuttle, Challenger, embarks on its first mission into space.
  • First American Woman in Space

    First American Woman in Space
    Astronaut Sally K. Ride becomes the first American woman to travel into space on Space Shuttle Challenger mission STS-7.
  • Maiden Voyage of Discovery

    The third orbiter of the American Space Shuttle fleet, Discovery, lifts off for its maiden voyage into space.
  • Maiden Voyage of Atlantis

    Atlantis, the forth orbiter in America's Space Shuttle fleet, begins its first mission in space.
  • Mir Station Launched

    Mir Station Launched
    The first module of the Mir space station is successfully launched and placed into Earth orbit. Mir becomes the first modular space station in orbit. It hosts a number of successful Russian and American missions and remains in orbit until 2001 when it comes crashing down into the Pacific Ocean.
  • Voyager 2 Arrives at Neptune

    The Voyager 2 spacecraft arrives at Neptune, giving us our first close-up views of the blue planet and its moons. Scientists expect the planet to be a blue, featureless sphere much like Uranus. Instead, they discover a curious blue spot and a number of dynamic cloud features.
  • Launch of Hubble Space Telescope

    Launch of Hubble Space Telescope
    Space Shuttle Discovery lifts off for mission STS-31, carrying the Edwin P. Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The telescope is successfully deployed, but is found to contain a seriously flawed primary mirror resulting in fuzzy images.
  • Mars Pathfinder Lands on Mars

    The Mars Pathfinder probe lands on the surface of Mars. A small robotic rover examines the nearby terrain, sending back amazingly detailed images of the planet's surface.