The first...'rocket'?
Even before gunpowder, the Chinese were using the term rocket. In the year 228 the Ancient Chinese used arrows which were lit with fire to defend an area of the country from intruders. This created a new word which literally meant fire arrow; this is the same word in Chinese for rocket. These fire arrows were used as a way to set fires and defend from large numbers of invading troops -
The moon...in the clear
First clear telescopic photograph of another world: the Moon. -
Cosmic Space...finally explored.
Russian rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky publishesThe Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Reaction Devices. This is the first serious work to be published that shows space exploration to be theoretically possible. -
Russians beat America
Russians launch the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1. -
America Fights Back
Launch of the first US satellite, Explorer 1. -
Chimps are among the action
NASA launches a chimpanzee named Ham into space aboard a Mercury rocket. -
Russians beat America...AGAIN.
Russian Yuri Gagarin becomes the first person in space in a 108-minute flight in Vostok 1 -
One small step...
US astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon. -
Sending humans to space...for long periods of time!
Launch of first Space Station (the Soviet Salyut 1) -
Saturn...up close
First Saturn fly-by (Pioneer 11) -
Robot Twins Help Humanity
Twin Mars Exploration Rover missions Spirit and Opportunity land on Mars. -
Earth Twin Finder
Kepler Mission is launched, first space telescope designated to search for Earth-like exoplanets -
Pluto...up close
First flyby of dwarf planet (Pluto). -
Always eat your greens...in space.
Lettuce was the first food eaten that was grown in space.