Sputnik 1
Sputnik 1 was the first artificial Earth satellite. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1.
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Sputnik 2
The Soviet Union launched first dog, Laika, which struck thoughts about launching other animals in the US. Which proves that animals can survive in space.
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Explorer 2
The US launched another Explorer called Explorer 2 but it failed to reach orbit. -
Discoverer XIV
Discovere XIV is the first camera equipped spy sattilite.
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Vostok 1
The Soviet Union launched Yuri Gagarin into space making him the first person in space.
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Space Program Speech
JFK launched Space Exploration and Scientific Research Program.
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Vostok 6
Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space out of more than four hundred applicants she was chosen to fly into space.
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Ranger 7
Ranger 7 transmits the first close range images of the moon.
www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Zond 5
Zonnd 5 is launched and it carried a biological payload around the moon and returned six days later.
www.thespacerace.com/timeline/ -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 launched from Cape Keneddy on July 16,1969 carrying Commander Neil Aermstrong, Command Module piolot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module piolot Edwin
'Buzz" Aldrin into an initial Earth orbit of 114 by 116 miles.