The German V2
The German V2 was the first rocket to reach 100km from the earths surface. -
First Animals in Space
In 1942 the first animals were sent into space. Fruit flies were used to study effects of space travel on animals. -
First Rocket Reach Edge of Space
NASA designed the first rocket to reach the edge of space. -
First Picture of Earth From 105km
NASA took the first picture of Earth from105km. -
First Animal Sent into Space
In 1949 the first monkey (Albert II) was sent into spacce -
The Soviet Union launched the first manmade object into space to orbit the earth.They called this satellite Sputnik. -
First Photogrsph of Earth from Orbit
NASA took the first photograph of earth from orbit -
John Glenn
John Glenn was the frist American to eat in space. He is eating apple sauce through a tube, and xylose sugar in water, he did this to prove that you can eat, swallow and digest food in a weightless enviroment. -
Apollo 11
Apollo 11 was the first spacecraft that landed the firsrt humans on the moon. This happend at 20:18. -
Neil Armstrong
Neill Armstrong was the first man that steeped foot on the Moon, he walked around for three hours picking up dust, rocks and did experiments. -
First British Astronaut
Helen,Sharman enterd a compition to become the first British astronaut in space. -
Picture Whole Solar System
NASA took a picture of the whole solar system. -
Landing on a Asteroid
NASA landed on an asteroid. -
First Orbit of Mercury
NASA did the first orbit of Mercury. -
First Manmade Probe to Land On a Comet
ESA made the first manmade probe to land on a comet.