The first telescope was created.
Hans Lipperhey, a Dutch lens grinder combined two lenses. -
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The first spotting of the moon through a telescope by Galileo Galilei
Robert H. Goddard launches first liquid fueled rockets
First research flight launched by the U.S
First animals launched into space, fruit flies, by the U.S
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Launch of Explorer 1
Luna 1 was the first spacecraft to reach the Moon
First Man in Space
The first space walk is made from Soviet Voskhod 2
By Cosmonaut Alexei A. Leonov. Duration is 12 minutes, USSR misson: Voskhod 2 -
the first spaceflight fatality.
Vladimir M. Komarov, in the Soviet Soyuz 1 crashed and killed him. -
Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. make the first manned soft landing on the Moon, and the first moonwalk, using Apollo 11
Misson: Apollo 11, US NASA, Armstrong and Alrdin are the first americans on the moon. -
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1981-present day
Venera 13 lands on Venus + provides the first Venusian soil analysis
Misson: Venera 13, USSR, First Venus soil samples & sound recording of another world. -
First photograph of the whole solar system
M[isson: Voyager 1 U.S NASA, Voyager 1 takes the first photo of the entire solar system -
First orbit of Saturn
mission: Cassini–Huygens, NASA (US), ESA, and ASI the unmanned spacecraft completes its orbit after being sent out in october 17th, 1997 -
First manmade probe in interstellar space
Misson: Voyager 1, NASA U.S the Voyager 1 reaches out of the solar system. -
First manmade probe to land on a comet
Misson: Philae lander, ESA The Philae is carried onto the comet by the Rosetta Probe