Space Exploration Timeline

By mell76
  • USSR lanches Sputnik 1

    USSR lanches Sputnik 1
    Soviet Union lanches first satilite into space
  • USA launches Explorer 1

     USA launches Explorer 1
    on January 31, the first american satilite was launched into space.
  • Sputnik 3 is launched

    Sputnik 3 is launched
    Soviet union launches Sputnik 3 into spcae.
  • Luna 1 is launched

    Luna 1 is launched
    USSR launches luna 1 into space.
  • first sucsessful weather satilite is launched

    first sucsessful weather satilite is launched
    Tiros 1 is launched into space, being the first sucsessful weather satilite.
  • First American in space

    First American in space
    Alan B. Shepard was the first American in space.
  • Second group

    Second group
    NASA chooses its second group of arstronauts.
  • JFK assasination

    JFK assasination
    On this exact day presedent John F. Knnedy was asasanated
  • Astronaut dies

    Astronaut dies
    Atronaut Theodore Freeman dies in plane crash
  • First spacecraft to land on the moon

    First spacecraft to land on the moon
    Soviet union's Luna 9 was the first space craft to "soft-land" on the moon.