First Telescope
Galileo Galilei built the first "true" telescope to study space. -
Period: to
Space Exploration 1609-1957
First Reflector Telescope
Sir Isaac Newton built the first reflector telescope. -
Theory Of Universal Gravitation
Issac Newton published the Theory of Universal Gravitation. This was the beginning of modern astronomy. -
First Star Clusters Found
Charles Messier discovered the globular cluster. Later he discovered other galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters. -
First Asteroid
Guisseppe Piazzi discovered the first asteroid known as Ceres. -
Theory of Relativity
Albert Einstien came up with the theory of relativity which explains physics, space, and time. -
Liquid Fuel
The first rocket was launched using liquid fuel. -
First Radio Telescope
Grote Reber invented the first radio telescope -
First Man-made Object In Space
The V-2 missle was launched making it the first man-made object in space. -
Sputnik 1
Sputnik 1 was the first artifical sattelite in space. -
Sputnik 2
Sputnik 2 was launched with the first live animal in space on board.