Spotting the moon
The first spotting of the moon through a telescope by Galileo Galilei -
Saturn's rings spotted
Mathmationtion Christiaan Huygens discovers the rings of Saturn -
First reflecting telescope
Issac Newton creates the first reflecting telescope. -
Halley's Comet
Edmond Halley discovers Halley's Comet -
Spotting Uranus
Willian Herschel discovers Uranus. -
Allen Belts
The existance of the Allen Belt is confirmed. (NASA) -
Earth Pictures
The first pictures of Earth from orbit are tooken. (NASA) -
Far side images
The first images of the far side of the moon are taken. (NASA) -
First human in space
The first human is sent out into space. (USSR) -
First human on the moon
The first humans walk on the moon. (Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldren) -
Re-usable Rockets
Fisrt Re-usable manned spacecraft -
Past neptune
The first spacecraft goes beyond the orbit of neptune -
Solar system images
The first photograph of the entire solar system -
Orbit around the sun
The first polar orbit around the sun -
Exploring Mars
The first nuclear powered NASA rover lands on Mars to find life seeking clues