Galileo modifed lbbershays telesope design -
reflecting telescope
James gergory invents reflecting telescope -
Publication of Principial
The English astronomer Sir Isaac Newton publishes the Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. This three-volume work outlines Newton's three laws of motion as well as his law of universal gravitation and a derivation of Kepler's laws for the motion of the planets. The Principia is considered by many to be one of the most important scientific works ever written.
Source:http://www.seasky.org -
universe expanding
hubble suggests that the universe is explanding -
pluto discovered
clyde thombaugh discovers the dwarf planet pluto -
first satilite
soviets launch the first satilite Sputnik to begin space exploration -
First pictures of the moon
The sovie probe Luna 3 take the first pictures of the moon -
first man on the moon
Astronuat Neal Armstrong Become the first man to step foot on the moon -
U.S Government invents Skylabs orbiting space laboratory -
Flies by saturn
NASA engineers invents space shuttle> Voyagers 2 Flies by Saturn -
voyager 2 destroyed
voyager 2 flies by uranus space shuttle challenge detsroyed -
Jupiter Probe
Voyager 2 flies by neptune. Maglean Probe luanched toward venus Gallieo Probe luanched toward Jupiter -
Hubble luanched
Hubble telescope luanched and maps venus -
Hubble repair
The repair of the hubble telescope -
First orbit of saturn -
curisoity rover
curiosity rover takes a sample analyisis for mars