First Telescopic Veiwing of the Night Sky
This lead to the discovery of Jupiter's moons, lunar craters, and Venus's phases. -
First Photo of the Moon
The first photo of the Moon helped us to see the craters, and possible evolution of the universe. -
Pluto Discovered
Tombaugh was the discoverer of Pluto. It revealed another planet... Pluto, of course! -
First Animals in Space
When the fruit flies were launched into space, it paved the way for a human to go into space. -
First Satellite in Orbit
Sputnik l was the first satellite in orbit, and helped scientists see more stars, and planets than before. -
First Person in Space
Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space, sent by Russians. This urged the United States to do the same... only better. -
First Woman in Space
Valentina Nikolayeva Tereshkova was the first woman in space. -
Pictures of Mars
The spacecraft Mariner 4 gave us the first pictures of Mars. -
First Moon Landing
The first two people to land on the moon were Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin. This mission accomplished the president's challenge. -
Soil Samples From the Moon
The Soviet craft Luna 16 was launched into space, gathering soil from the moon. Because of this, we now know what the moon is made of. -
Saturn Images
Voyager 2 got to Saturn, and transmitted images to us. These showed us what Saturn is made of. -
Pictures of Uranus
Voyager 2 transmitted images of Uranus, allowing us to see what it is made of, and possible weather on the planet. -
Hubble Space Telescope
Hubble helped unveil the universe. It revealed galaxies, and black holes. -
Mapping the Surface of Venus
The Magellan spacecraft mapped the surface of Venus, using radar equipment. We now know the size of Venus. -
First Tourist in Space
Dennis Tito paid the Russian Space program $20,000,000 to go into space. This opens up new opportunities in space tourism.