Space Exploration

By Coon06
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    SpaceraceSoviots Launched the first sattilite into space.This Started the Spacerace.
  • NASA

    spaceraceAmerica National Arenoutics and Space Administrations was formed.
  • First Human In Space

    First Human In Space
    spaceraceSoviots launche the first human in Space Yuri Garigin. Making it possible for mankind to got in space.
  • Apollo Program

    Apollo Program
    spaceraceJFK (american peresidnt) launched the apoolo program to learn more about the explaration and scientific reasearch.
  • First Space Walk

    First Space Walk
    spaceraceSoviot Alexei Spends 12min outside his space craft performing the first Space Walk.
  • Luna 9

    Luna 9
    spaceraceSoviots launched First sattilite to land on the moon.Means you can land on the Moon.
  • Luna 10

    Luna 10
    spaceraceSoviots First sattilite to orbit moon.
  • Apollo 7

    Apollo 7
    spaceraceThe crew of Apollo 7 descovers a new space Caraft. America can make better space crafts to conquer bigger objects.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    spaceraceAmerican First Man to walk On moon wich ended space race. Also meant That we could walk on the moon.