Space Exploration

By db20742
  • First Felescopic Observation

    First felescopic observation of the night sky discovered Jupiders moons, Lunar craters, and the phases of Venuss moons in the Republic of Vienice.
  • The Theory of Laws of Motion

    The Theory of Laws of Motion
    The theory of Laws of motion now referred to as "Newtons Laws of Motion" this theory was created in 1687.
  • First Telescope spotting another planet

    First Telescope spotting another planet
    In 1840 the first telescope in the U.S spotted another world which was the moon.
  • Rocket using liquid fuel

    Rocket using liquid fuel
    The first American rocket to use liquid fuel was launched.
  • First space research flight

    The first U.S space research flight (cosmic radiation experiment).
  • First American astronaut in space.

    First American astronaut in space.
    The U.S sent it's first astronaut into space.
  • American Apollo mission 11

    NASA's Apollo 11 mission launched.
  • American Apollo mission

    The first of six American Apollo missions lands on the moon.
  • Soviet Union puts out there space stations

    The Soviet Union puts out their first seven space stations.
  • Americas First space station

    The U.S first space station was Skylab, Skylab orbited for a total of 84 days.
  • First shuttle to launch

    Columbia became the first shuttle to be launched.
  • Sally Ride

    Sally Ride
    Sally Ride became the first American Woman in space on a challenger's second mission.
  • Guy Bulford

    Guy Bulford became the first African American to fly into space.
  • First rover landed on Mars

    First rover landed on Mars
    The first rover landed on Mars controlled by the U.S.
  • International Space Staion

    The international Space station was established.