Aryabhata was born in a small town in India in 476CE.He was famous for Aryabhatiya,a work covering arithmetic,algebra and fractions. -
Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543
Copernicus was born in May the 19 1473 in Torun. It is a city on theNorth-central of Poland ,which was where Copernicus was living.He was a renaissance and a mathematicain.The father of a model astronomer he was the first modern in Eurpean scienest to the earth and other planets around the world. -
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
Galilieo was born the 15th of February 1564 and he died 1642 of Januray .Galileo lived in Pisa, Italy.He is famous for being the first astronomer to use science to find out what the earth was made of.He improved on a telerscope and he found out about the milkway and it had alot of stars on it. -
Halley coment
Halleys coment is the only short period comet that is visible from earth with the naked eye.It was named after its discoverer edmondHalley. A coment is a solar body made up of ice, dust and rock particles. -
Csiro is energy and transport, environment and natural resources, health, information technology, telecommunications, manufacturing and mineral resources.Which helps every asept of life from the oceans to energy.Csiro stands for commonwealth Science and Research Organisation.It was founded in 1926. -
Yuri Gagarin was a Russian astronaut.He was the first human to journey into outer space.Yuri completed an orbit of the earth in Vostok spacecraft on 12 April 1961 -
The first animals sent to space were fruit flies on February 20,1947 -
Laika was a Russain space dog.One of the first animals in space and the frist to orbit the earth.It was november the 3 ,1957 which was when the dog went into space. -
NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It was founded in 1958. NASA is responsible for Americas space programmes and exploration. -
The first Mariner 9 was an unmamnel space probe.It was the first to orbit Mars.It was launched on May 30,1971 by NASA.The Russains were the first to land a probe on Mars. Mar was the first Martian lander in 1971. -
Period: to
The space shuttle was so different than its predecessors because it came back to Earth, and could be re-used. Its first flight was on April 12, 1981 and its last was July 21,2011.Space shuttle challenger became the first shuttle to fail.Disintegrating 73 seconds after launch on January 28,1986 killing all seven crews. -
Appollo space missions ran from 1961- 1975. Its main objectives were to develop man's capability to work in a lunar environment ,and to aachieve prominence in the space race for the U.S. -
The Hubble space telescope. Was named after Edwin Hubble. The Hubble telescope is located on earth to study the stars and the moon -
Pluto is no longer a planet it's now described as a dwarf planet.It's needed to dominate its neighbourhood around and orbits.Pluto has been demoted because it doesnt dominate its neighbourhood.