Sovia launches Spunik 1
When the sovia union lauched spunik its started the cold war with the U.S.A. the US thought when the union launched the spunik 1they could shoot missles. -
U.S launches Explorer 1
The U.S lauched the explorer 1 to fight back agianst the union -
US sends explore 2
the US sent Exploer 2 but it didnt make it into orbit. -
The US launches Vanguard 1 satellite
the first satellite lauched by the US -
the union launches luna 2
the first man made machine to land on the moon -
The Union launches luna 3
the luna 3 was the first to take photographs of the world -
the US launches Tiros 1
the US launches the first weather satellite into orbit -
Spunik launch Yuri Gagarin into space
the union launch first person in to space in luna 1 -
first American to be in space
Alan B. Shepard was the first American in space -
Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin were the first people to walk on the moon