Space Exploration

By al50695
  • Galileo looks at the moon

    Galileo looks at the moon
    This is the first time anyone has looked at the moon through a telescope.
  • Liquid gas is used in rocket

    Liquid gas is used in rocket
    Robert H Goddard used liquid fuel for the very first time.
  • The first research flight

    The first research flight
    The very first research flight was launched by the U.S. and captured by the V-2 space rocket.
  • The very first animals to go to space

    The very first animals launched into outer space were fruit flies by the U.S.
  • First artificial satellite put into orbit

    First artificial satellite put into space that brings back signals to Earth launched by the USSR.
  • First animal launched into orbit

    First animal launched into orbit
    A dog named Laika was launched by the USSR and did not return alive.
  • First photo of earth

    First photo of earth
    The very first photo of the earth was taken
  • First human orbital flight

  • The first woman in space.

    The first woman in space.
    Valentina Tereshkova was the very first woman to be put in space. Launched by the USSR
  • First sighting or Mars

    First sighting or Mars
    The very first sighting of Mars and flyby by U.S. NASA.
  • First man to walk on the moon

    First man to walk on the moon
    Niel Armstrong was the first man ever to walk on the moon.
  • The first reusable manned spacecraft

    The very first reusable space craft was created by the US
  • Hubble was put into orbit

    Hubble was put into orbit
  • First sample of an asteroid

    First sample of an asteroid
  • NASA lands a rover on Mars successfully

    NASA lands a rover on Mars successfully