
Space exploration

  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Sputnik 1 was the worlds first satellite. The Sputnik 1 was launched by the soviet union. The Sputnik 1 was not a manned mission
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    The Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States (woo murica). The mission lasted 4 months. And it was not manned.
  • Mercury Freedom 7

    Mercury Freedom 7
    The mecury freedom was to determine how well a man can handle a space enviorment. The mission was manned.
    Alan Shepard was on board (you go glen coco)
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    the mission was to form a landing on the moon with crew and still return to earth. This mission was manned. The humans who were on it were Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr, ,Michael Collins
  • Gemini 3

    Gemini 3
    Virgil I. Grissom was the commander.
    John W. Young was the pilotman.
    The mission was to Demonstrate manned orbital flight see how a two man design would work.
  • Viking 1

    Viking 1
    First American spacecraft to touch mars. and to explore the surface of mars.This mission was not manned
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1
    the rover was sent out for the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn. The probe was not manned. The Voyager left the solar system.
  • Columbia Space shuttle

    Columbia Space shuttle
    Columbia was the first shuttle to reach space. But the shuttle and a crew were lost over Texas when Columbia burned up during the reentry.
  • Mars Pathfinder

    Mars Pathfinder
    To demonstrate the technology of a free- ranging robotic rover in a efficient way. The mission was not manned. I think its a little self explanitory as to what he was roaming.
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    Yah, I know this is m science project but i think his is an important event for all of us
  • ISS

    Intended to be a lab, observatory, and factory, also to provide transportations,maintenance and act as a base for possible future missions to the moon.
  • Spirit And Opportunity

    Spirit And Opportunity
    The mission's scientific objective was to search for rocks and soils that hold clues to water activity on Mars.
  • Kepler

    Kepler is a space observatory launched by NASA to discover Earth-like planets orbiting other stars.The spacecraft, named after the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, ( cool guy) (but hes super creepy like oh god)
  • Curiosity

    Investagation of the weather and all that water on mars. preparing for human visatation