Sir Isacc Newton published his 3 laws of motion
Sir Isacc Newton published his 3 laws of motion, along with other scientific research. -
First use of Newtons rocket mechanics.
The British mathematician William Moore publishes Treatise on the Motion of Rockets. This work features the first exposition of rocket mechanics based on Newton's third law of motion. -
The first liquid fuled rocket patent.
The first ever liquid fuled rocket patent was awarded to Robert Goddard. This was also the first liquid fuled rocket ever constructed. -
Soviet rocket sesoiety established.
The Soviet rocket sesoiety was established to help the Soviets develope missiles, and for there upcoming space program. -
First liquid fuled rocket launched.
The first liquid fuled rocket ever was launched by Robert Goddard, his huge success was not recognized until later, because they thought that solid state rockets were better. -
First us high altitude flight.
The first high altitude flight experiment was conducted by the us, and was a success. -
First us designed rocket reaches space.
The first us designed liquid fuled rocket reaches space. -
First artificial satalight.
The Soviets launched Sputnic 1 into space and that became the first artificial satalight. -
First American satalight.
The first us satalight was launched, it's name was explore 1. -
N.A.S.A. Is created
The us government space oarginization known as N.A.S.A is created. -
First spacecraft to achieve lunar orbit.
The Russian satellite Luna 2 is launched. On September 13, it becomes the first man-made object to hit the Moon. The spacecraft was sterilized to avoid contaminating the Moon with terrestrial bacteria. -
First viewing of the moons far side.
The Russian satellite Luna 3 is launched, orbiting the Moon and photographing 70 percent of the Moon's far side. -
First weather satalight.
Tiros 1, the first successful weather satellite, is launched by the United States. Two television cameras in the satellite returned views of clouds above the Earth. Tiros 1 was only operational for 78 days, but proved that satellites could be useful tools for surveying weather conditions from space. -
First man in space
Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin became the first human to venture into space. The Vostok 1 spacecraft made one complete orbit around Earth in 108 minutes, and reached altitudes of 112 to 203 miles. The flight lasted only one hour and 48 minutes. -
First manned moon landing.
Neil Armstrong and buzz aldrin were the first two men on the moon, they were a part of the Apollo 11 crew. -
First space shuttle launch.
This was the first launch of the project known as the space shuttle. It was supposed to make space travel cheaper, and more reliable. -
First untethered space walk.
Astronaut Bruce McCandless takes the first untethered space walk using the new Manned maneuvering Unit (MMU). Over the next few days, McCandless and fellow astronaut and Robert L. Stewart perform a number of tests with the MMU to practice for a future satellite capture mission. -
Hubble space telescope is launched.
The first ever space telescope is launched, and is a huge success. -
First ISS module is launched.
This is the start of the I.S.S. Project. This project has changes and added a lot of knolage and helped us develope new technologies. -
First tourist in space
American businessman Dennis Tito becomes the first tourist to fly into space. His 20 million dollar offer is rejected by the United States, but is later welcomed by the Russian space program. A Soyuz space capsule delivers the space tourist and the Russian crew to the International Space Station, where Tito is given limited access to the station. -
First private manned space flight.
The company X-PRIZE launched its first manned space flight, making it the first ever private manned space flight. -
Curiosity lands on Mars.
Curiosity rover lands on Mars, this is the biggest and best rover to ever land on Mars. It has a nuclear reactor on the back to keep it powered for a long time. (Curiosity is still in operation)