Period: 476 to 550
Arybhata was famous for making a book about astronomy and mathamatics.A satalight was named after him. It was launched in 1975 and weighed 360kg. He was so smart that he worked out the earth was round with out any telescope or any other tecnology, he only used math. -
Period: Feb 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543
Copernicus was famous because he claimed that the earth circles the sun with other planets. That is really hard to find out and he knew it because he was very special. -
Jan 1, 1531
Hally's comet
Hallys comet is the best known short period comets and is visible to earth every 75-76 yrs. -
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
Galileo is a wonderous man. He was the first astonomer to find out what the universe was made of. He found out the universe did not circle the earth & you might think he gussed but he dixdn't he never gussed. He was only using his telescope. -
Period: to
Space Shuttle Program
There were 3 missions. On January 28th 1986 NASA faced its first space shuttle disaster. The Shuttle program resumed with STS-114 and ended with STS-135. -
CSIRO stands for Commonwealth, Science and Industrial Research Organasation. The CSIRO is for inventions and historic research or other things like that. -
Period: to
Yuri Gagarin
Yuri Gagarin is famous for being the fist man in space but not on the moon but in space. He is very brave. -
Fruit flies
Fruit Flies were the first creatures that were not humans to go into space. -
Period: to
Laika is a very famous dog because she was the first dog to go into space. -
The Spuntink orbit the Earth for about 2 months. It is increadible that a person could put a satallite in space with out failing. -
NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration it also is an America government agency that administers aerial & spatial research. -
The Mercury project was a race to the moon. -
Tidbinbilla is a staition built in 19th March 1965. It 20km away from Canberra, Australia but near Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. It took management with the CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science. -
Napollo program
Napollo is a program that was responsible for the first humans to land on the earths moon. -
First Landing On Mars
The Soviet Union made Mars 2 and 3 but did not really was successful on landing. -
Period: to
Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV)
The LRV was a machine with 4 wheels and went on the moon for the last 3 missions for the Apollo program from 15, 16, 17. The LRV could carry 1 to 2 astranaunts and thier equiptment. -
Period: to
Sky Lab
The Sky Lab was operated by the NASA and was the United States' first space station. Its orbit height was 235km also launched at 5:30pm. The Sky Lab began it's re-entry into the earths orbit as though not expected and it cause debris to be scatterd several areas of the planets. -
The Voyager Program
The Voyager Program was an a American program were that they launched 2 unmmaned space missions Voyager 1 & Voyager 2.
They studied about Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 1 became the first human made object to explore the unexplored that people call the intersteller space travelling " Further than anyone, or anything, in history". -
Hubble telescope
The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope made to orbit a space shuttle.The mission leangth was 23yrs, 10months and 12 days elapsed -
International Space Station (ISS)
The ISS is a artificial satallite which is in low earth orbit. Now it is the largest artificial body in orbit, it is seen in appropriate time with the naked eye from earth -
Pluto is not a planet because astronomers found out it was a asteraoid. People now call Pluto a dwarf planet.