
By 104258
  • May 23, 1543

    Nicolaus Copermicus made First Model of Solar System

    Nicolaus Copermicus made First Model of Solar System
    Nicolaus Copermicus created a model of the solar system but he placed the Sun in the middle instead of earth. He was the guy who made that theory.
  • Galileo Galilei made his own First Telescope

    Galileo Galilei made his own First Telescope
    made his own first telescope
  • First Man Who Discovered Comets Orbit by Edmund Halley

    First Man Who Discovered Comets Orbit by Edmund Halley
    Edmund Halley was the man who first discovered coments in the year 1758.
  • First Space Research Flight

    The first space research flight was launched by the United States on the 10th of May 1946.
  • First Animal, Laika, in Space Orbit

    First Animal, Laika, in Space Orbit
    In this year the first animal was in Orbit. The animal was a dog named Laika.
  • First Person Spend More Then 24 Hours in Space, Gherman Titov

    First Person Spend More Then 24 Hours in Space, Gherman Titov
    Gherman Titov was the first person to spend more that 24 hours in space. He was in space from 6-7 of August.
  • First woman in Space, Valentine Tereshkova

    First woman in Space, Valentine Tereshkova
    On the 16th of June 1963 Valentina Tereshkova was launched into space.
  • Aollo 11 Launched for Space Moon Mission

    Aollo 11 Launched for Space Moon Mission
    The Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight to land a human on the moon. On July 21st 1969 Neil Armstong along with Buzz Aldrin were named as the first men on the moon.
  • The I.S.S launched launched into space

    On the 20th of November the I.S.S (International Space Station) was launched into space on this date.
  • First Man in Space, Yuri Gagarin

    First Man in Space, Yuri Gagarin
    Yuri Gagarin was a Soviet Pilot. He was the first man to journey into outer space.
  • First man to discover Uranus, William Herschel

    First man to discover Uranus, William Herschel
    William Herschel was the first man to discover Uranus. He also made a telescope of his own.