csiro stands for commonwealth science and industrial research organisation it was founded in 1926 the csiro works to lead sciece organisations all around the world they use high quality research -
Period: 476 to 550
aryabhata was born AD 476 and died C 550 he was an astronomer he explained the causes of solar and lunar eclipses but before that people believed that they were caused by a demon called rahu he lived in india -
Period: Jan 1, 1473 to Jan 1, 1543
nicolaus copernicus was educated at various schools and universities like cracow universitie. he was born in Toran and died there in the year 1543 right after he allowed rheticus to be publicated as it was on his deathbed -
Period: Feb 15, 1564 to
life of galileo
galileo was born in pisa on the 15th of february 1564 he died in arcetri which is near Florence in 1642 on the 8th of janruary -
pluto is no longer considered a planet it is a dwarf planet which means it is smaller than most planets it was decided that it was a dwarf planet this was decided in 1930 -
animals in space
the first animal in space was a fruit fly they were sent in a v2 rocket in1947 us scientists were studying the effects of radiation -
yuri gagarin
yuri gagarin was the first man in space he was famous for this and achieved that on the 12th of April 1961 he was on the vostok 1 -
Period: to
voyager program
the voyager program was 2 missions to get two unmanned probes launched into space the voyager 1 mission and the voyager 2 mission the first one was on the 20th of August 1977 and the second on the 5th of september 1977 -
the international space station is a home for astronaughts in space. it is about 220 miles above the earth it is made up of many pieces it was finished in 2011 -
nasa stands for national aeronautics and space administration it started in 1958 nasa helps try to discover everything about earth using satellites and going into space and places like mars and the moon -
comets and hayleys comet
comets are left over parts of stars and planets before going around the sun they look like big rocks in our solar system
halleys comet is the most famous comet it is visible around every 75 years the comet is named after the english astronomer edmond halley -
leika was famous for being the first living being to orbit the earth in space she was aboard the sputnik 2 leika was a dog in space -
space shuttles and spacecrafts
the spacecraft is a vehicle that can got to space but a space shuttle is generally a spacecraft made by nasa they have flown over 130 times the first mission was in april 1981 when yuri gagarin became the first man in space the last mission was in 2011 on the 21st of july with the sts 135 the challenger was different because it was destroyed in a mission accident in 1986