The telescope is invented -
Astronomical Telescope
Galileo Makes first astronomical telescope -
First Viewing of craters on moon -
Reflecting teliscope
Issac Newton makes the first reflecting telescope -
Multi stage rocket
Andre Bing Patents the multi stage rocket -
First Artificial Satelite, Launched By USSR, It was Sputnik 1 -
Signals from space
First signals from space, USSR, Sputnik 1 -
First animal in space
First animal in orbit, the dog Laika, USSR, Sputnik 2 -
Solar Wind
First Detection of solar wind, USSR, Luna 1 -
First plants and animals
19 August 1960, First Plants and animals return alive from Earth orbit, USSR, Sputnik 5 -
Reusable Spacecraft
First Reusable manned spacecraft (orbital), USA (NASA), STS-1 -
first Venus Soil
First Venus soil samples & sound recording of another world, USSR, Venera 13 -
First Beyond Neptune
First spacecraft beyond the orbit of Neptune (first spacecraft to pass beyond all Solar System planets), USA (NASA), Pioneer 10 -
First Asteroid Sample
First sample return from asteroid (25143 Itokawa), Japan (JAXA), Hayabusa -
First probe on comet
First manmade probe to land on a comet (67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko), ESA, Philae lander, carried by the Rosetta probe, as part of the ESA Horizon 2000 cornerstone missions