Flag of the soviet union.svg

Soviet Union Timeline

  • 1300

    Russian Empire

    Russian Empire
    An Empire that tried to take over and was leaded by a king who was a tyrant. He starved his people.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The people had enough of the ruler, so they had a revolution and had a communist country. The Soviet Union formed.
  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin
    After the Revolution happened, Vladimir Lenin was elected to lead the country.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    They had a Civil War against the Reds who wanted communism and dictatorship and the Whites wanted capitalism and freedom.
  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    The Civil ended with the Reds winning
  • Lenin Speech

    Lenin Speech
    Lenin gave a speech about how the gov. will have all the power and the people were all equal and if someone disagreed, they would be imprisoned. After the speech, Lenin was assassinated.
  • Stalin as Leader

    Stalin as Leader
    After Lenin died, Joseph Stalin was the leader since he was second behind Lenin.
  • World War Two

    World War Two
    The war started and there were the allies and the axis powers. The Soviet was neutral and then signed a treaty with Hitler and they invaded Poland which started the World War. Later on, Stalin was betrayed and then joined the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • The War ends

    The War ends
    The War ended with the victory to Stalin, the U.S., and Great Britain
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Soviet Union now has many communist countries protecting Russia from the other countries from attacking. The US was containing them by helping other countries from turning communism.
  • Vietnam War starts

    Vietnam War starts
    In the 1800s, France took over Vietnam for its natural resources. They also colonized Laos and Cambodia. They formed French Cambodia. In 1946, Vietnam fought against France and started the war in 1946. Ho Chi Minh was the one who leaded Vietnam and he was a communist. The U.S. was scared so Harry S. Truman sent money and aids to help France.
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    The Soviet Union is a communist and scared the U.S. so everyone in the country did not trust anyone and if you speak of communism, you will get arrested
  • Vietnam war Continues

    Vietnam war Continues
    In 1954, France and Vietnam signed a resolution where the North of Vietnam will be communist and the South won't. The South was weak and the North sent aids and troops for the rise of communism in the South. The U.S. helped the South to stop the communism.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    JFK had missiles in Turkey and Italy, so the S.U. had missiles deployed in Cuba which started the Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK decided to blockade Cuba when the Soviet took it as an act of aggression. There was an submarine that had nuclear missiles and the 3 people on there decided to launch the missile but the last one said no which put an end and then there was a meeting with an important person on both sides making peace with on another.
  • USA goes to War in Vietnam

    USA goes to War in Vietnam
    In the Gulf of Tonkin, there were the U.S navy along the coast and Vietnam North fired torpedoes at the ships. Lyndon B. Johnson has congress pass a resolution to allow limited bombing against Vietnam.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The Space race started in 1957 with the Soviets launching the first object into space. The Soviets began to climb with more significant missions while the U.S did important tasks as well, but they went downhill and copied the Soviet.
  • Vietnam War Ends

    Vietnam War Ends
    The Vietnam had the advantage of the jungle and secret tunnels. The North had suicide bombers and attacks against the south, Johnson stopped sending troops. The group of vietnamese is called the Viet Cong. The U.S. stopped sending troops and the war was over. The North took over and later, the country shifted to a market economy and many Americans were divided
  • Fall of the Soviet Union

    Fall of the Soviet Union
    The new leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, was the last leader of the Soviet Union. He was elected in 1985-1991. The country is under stagnation, so he created two programs called Glasnost and Perestroika. One is for ending gov. corruption and the other is to give companies and businesses freedom. The programs failed. Satellite countries of the USSR left and held free elections. This is because of the domino effect. The group of communists held a coup against others and it failed so the leader resigned.