Soviet Union Leaders

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    Lenin's Government

    The introduction to the worldwide communism thanks to the ideas of Karl Marx and Lenin creating the Marxism-Leninsm
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    Stalin's Government

    During this period, Stalin modified the economic policies of Lenin and introduce a new model based on a command economy, industrialization and collectivization. This accelerates the economy of the Soviet Union but caused a destruction of food production that finally ends on a great famine. Also during this government, Soviet Union expanded their influece to other territories and became a super power.
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    Malenkov's Government

    This was kind of a provisional government, after Stalin's death, Malenkov assume the chair and start to rule the Soviet Union, during his government he started give incentives to farmers, created more heavy industry and reduce arms appropiations.
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    Khrushchev's Government

    Characterized by the de-Stalinism of the Soviet Union, this government give hope to the intellectuals and people who wants freedom. Khrushchev concentrated his efforts to change their heavy industry to a goods industry, but it ends on several revolts.
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    Brezhnev's Government

    The militarization and the excessive investments on the aerospacial sector lead a great power to the Soviet Union, also the Brezhnev's doctrine gave a justification for wars with no-communist countries
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    Andropov's Government

    This goverment was based on an anti-corruption policy, also the economy was increased by raising management efficency,but after all the attempts to resolve the problem, many scientifics and intellectuals start publishing studies and reports about the economy stagnation of Soviet Union.
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    Chernenko's Goverment

    Despite, the incorrect candidate for this period, the USSR made reforms on education, stop the war with China and returned to Brezhnev's policies
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    Gorbachev's Government

    The main goal of this government was to leave the stagnation of USSR economy, Gorbachev initiated the first movement to democratized the Soviet Union, also he gave more freedom and libverty to the press and people. He introduced the "perestroika", it means the restructuration of economy and social policies, opening a little the markets and giving people more rights.