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Soviet Union Dissolves and Cold War Ends.

  • Ronald Reagan issues a warning to the Soviets

    Ronald Reagan issues a warning to the Soviets
    Ronald Reagan (USA President) tells Mikhail Gorbachev (Was the 8th and final leader of the Soviet Union) to tear down the Berlin Wall. This is important because this was the first event leading to the end of the Cold war and the end of the Soviet Union.
  • Period: to

    The End of The Soviet Union

  • The Freedom of Eastern Europe

    The Freedom of Eastern Europe
    Gorbachev announced that Russia would no longer force Soviet-ran governments in eastern Europe and thereby this let the people of these countries elect there own leader and that person does not have to be a Comunist. This is important because this is the first major event that the Soviets did that lead to there fall.
  • Berlin Wall Destroyed

    Berlin Wall Destroyed
    The Berlin Wall separated eastern Germany form western Germany. This is important because the this let people roam free and escape Soviet land easier. This event impacted everyone in eastern Europe because now they could escape the Soviets. This Changed both sides of Europe because the Soviets had less control.
  • Bush Meets With Gorbachev

    Bush Meets With Gorbachev
    George Bush (The USA President) heavily encouraged Gorbachev to reform some things, Bush was hoping that Gorbachev would try and hopefully succeed in shifting the USSR toward a democratic system and a market-oriented economy. This is important because this brought the idea of a democratic system to the Soviet Union.
  • Gorbachev visits Canada

    Gorbachev visits Canada
    This is the start of the Cold War ending in Canada. This is important because it shows Canadians that there is very little to worry about. Right after this Gorbachev signs the U.S.-Soviet weapon deal.
  • Period: to

    The End of The Cold War in Canada

  • Gorbachev is The Last Soviet

    Gorbachev is The Last Soviet
    11 of the 12 Soviets in the Soviet Union proclaimed their independence and established the Commonwealth of Independent States. This means that Gorbachev is the last Soviet. The next few days are the last few days of Soviet rule in Russia.
  • Gorbachev Resigns as President

    Gorbachev Resigns as President
    Gorbachev resigned as president and what was left of the Soviet Union ceased to exist. This is important because this was the end of the Soviet Union and the stop of the Cold War. This affected everyone in the world. However, this was not the end of Comunistic thoughts.
  • Canada Removes Most Remaining Air Raid Sirens

    Canada Removes Most Remaining Air Raid Sirens
    This is important because this was the way let Canadians if an air bombardment was going to happen. This shows the end of the Cold War because Canada no longer feels the threat of an attack from the Soviets.
  • Diefenbunkers are Decommissioned in Canada

    Diefenbunkers are Decommissioned in Canada
    Diefenbunkers is were political figures could go and hide out a nuclear attack. This is important because this shows that the government is no longer planning for an attack from the Soviet Union.
  • Canada Withdraws Final Troops Form Germany

    Canada Withdraws Final Troops Form Germany
    Canada removes it final (5,000) troops from Germany. This is important because this symbolizes that the presence of the Soviet Union in Germany is over. The reason why Canada was there in the first place was to monitor Soviet expansion. This was the last time that Canada had troops in Europe.
  • Canada Cuts Military Spending

    Canada Cuts Military Spending
    This is Important because Canada has cut its military spending budget after raising it before the war. The immediate cause was Canada's military intentions shifted to more peacekeeping missions. This budget has stayed relatively the same until this year. Now Canada wants to play a bigger role in world events and having a bigger military budget can help with that.