Soviet Union

  • Bol­she­viks over­throw pro­vi­sional gov­ern­ment

    Bol­she­viks over­throw pro­vi­sional gov­ern­ment
    work­ers and sailors cap­tur­ing gov­ern­ment build­ings and the Win­ter Palace in St Peters­burg, and even­tu­ally tak­ing over Moscow.
  • Civil war between Bol­she­viks, or Reds, and anti-Bolsheviks, or Whites

    Civil war between Bol­she­viks, or Reds, and anti-Bolsheviks, or Whites
  • Union treaty for­mally joins Rus­sia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Tran­scau­ca­sus 

     Union treaty for­mally joins Rus­sia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Tran­scau­ca­sus 
    These Nations are joined together to make the beginning of the USSR
  • Lenin dies and is replaced by Joseph Stalin.

    Lenin dies and is replaced by Joseph Stalin.
  • United States recog­nises the Soviet Union.

    United States recog­nises the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet Union and Nazi Ger­many con­clude a non-aggression pact; Ger­many invades Poland, trig­ger­ing World War II.

    Soviet Union and Nazi Ger­many con­clude a non-aggression pact; Ger­many invades Poland, trig­ger­ing World War II.
    Germany has broken the non-aggression pact, Beginning the war.
  • Soviet Union and US agree to scrap intermediate-range nuclear mis­siles

    Soviet Union and US agree to scrap intermediate-range nuclear mis­siles
    tThis event shows that the US and USSR mauy begin to get on good terms with each other
  • Con­gress of People’s Deputies votes for the dis­so­lu­tion of the Soviet Union.

    Con­gress of People’s Deputies votes for the dis­so­lu­tion of the Soviet Union.
    this is the beginning of the end for the USSR
  • Russ­ian gov­ern­ment takes over offices of USSR in Russia.

    Russ­ian gov­ern­ment takes over offices of USSR in Russia.
    this is the end of the USSR