Southern U.S 1925-1935

  • Period: to

    Southern US History

  • Texas – Public accommodations

    Separate branches for Negroes to be administered by a Negro custodian in all county libraries.
  • Georgia – Business licenses- 1925

    No license would be issued to any person of “the white or Caucasian race to operate a billiard room to be used, frequented, or patronized by persons of the Negro race” and vice versa.
  • Georgia – Miscegenation [State Code]

    Colored clergyman can marry Negroes only. Also nullified interracial marriages if parties went to another jurisdiction where such marriages were legal.
  • Georgia – Education [State Code]

    Required schools to be racially segregated.Teachers who were guilty of receiving or teaching white and colored pupils in the same school would not be compensated.
  • Alabama – Education [State Code]

    All schools to be segregated by race.
  • Georgia – Public accommodations

    No Negro barber in Atlanta allowed to serve white children under fourteen years of age.
  • KKK makes a move !

    KKK makes a move !
    The ku klux klan makes ta large march down Pennslyvania Avenue in Washington D,C , The KKK is a white group that hate every race besides white , especially black people.
  • A rough economy

    A rough economy
    Crash of the stock market reveals serious promblems with the American economy.This led to a 10 year great depression.
  • Raciology

    People trying to prove white people are superior (raciology)
  • star spangled banner

    star spangled banner is adopted
  • Hoover

    president Herbert Hoover issues Hoover Moratorium
  • Stimson Doctrine

    the stimson Doctrine is made in response to the japenese invasion in Manchuria
  • general disarment

    a general disaremnt begins
  • Miscegenation

    Georgia: It's illegal for a white to marry anyone but a white
  • Dust Bowl

    A gigantic dust storm blows most of the topsoil of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kasnas and Colorado.