Civil.war.troops.clash pic

Southern Motives for the Civil War

By esg113
  • South Carolina becoming separatist

    South Carolina becoming separatist
    In 1850, South Carolina declares secession ready, but refused to do so because other states wanted them to stay in the nation (1). Photo credits:
  • (Not an event)

    Slavery starting to come under fire/abolished by Republicans and Northern government officials. South see this as a threat if it were to be enforced in their states, seen as an infringement on culture and state rights.
  • Election in which Frémont was running.

    Election in which Frémont was running.
    Fremont was disliked and threats to overtake the capitol and secede were common among some southern states, who did not want slavery reform (1). He was part of a newly anti-slavery Republican Party and was disliked in the South and seen as an abolitionist. Photo credits:émont.png
  • (Not an event)

    Some southern states felt that their rights were being infringed upon, therefore wanted to create their own nation, break away from the people that wanted to change their lives (1).
  • (Not an event)

    South now has major support for seseccion and feel strongly for their cause. They currently have more moral for their cause than the North.
  • States Agree to Secede

    Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina agree to secede if Lincoln is elected (1).
  • Election that Lincoln won, sparked southern secessions

    Election that Lincoln won, sparked southern secessions
    The south did not want Lincoln to win, and threatened to secede if he did. He would bring possible abolition of slavery (1). He united the North and fought to keep the nation whole in the Civil War. Photo credits:
  • South Carolina Secedes

    Shortly after Lincoln is elected as president, South Carolina is the first to secede from the Union (2). Secession dates citation (2).
  • Mississippi Secedes

  • Florida Secedes

  • Alabama Secedes

  • Georgia Secedes

  • Louisiana Secedes

  • Texas Secedes

  • Attack of Fort Sumter

    Attack of Fort Sumter
    This sparked the beginning and first shots of the Civil War (5). Photo Credits:
  • Virginia Secedes

  • Arkansas Secedes

  • North Carolina Secedes

  • Tennessee Secedes

    By beginning of summer of 1861, Confederacy has strong line-up to protect its rights. Needs to defend, not conquer.
  • Task

    Finally, the South has an easier and stronger goal to meet. They need only to defend themselves until the North surrenders. The Confederacy had a stronger motive and will to win than the Union because it was fighting for its freedom and its rights, rather than to continue to disagree with the North. Photo credits: