Southern Culture- FYE

  • Foundation of Jamestown

  • First African Americans come to our Country

  • Foundation of Plymoth Colony

    Driven by making money.
  • Foundation of Massettusets Bay Colony

    Formed to aquire religious freedom.
  • Indentured Servants Live Out their Contracts

    Conditions were hard, and desieses were out-breaking. No one was living out their 7 years.
  • Civil War Begins

    The firing on Fort Sumpter
  • Civil War Ends

  • Period: to


    Share-cropping: laborers who contract with the owner (tendant) of a piece of land and farm it, then they share the proceeds. Pay for rent, exquiptment, and seeds. Often got behind on all payments and they would start out a new year in debt.
  • Beginning of Industrialization (New South Movement)

    Think this would be a good idea to help economics. Henry W. Grady most famous spokesman for this conversion that advocated this movement into the industrialization into the south. He says "Bring mills to the cotton" this means we are producing all of this cotton to only send up North, drop these factories down next to cotton sources and then we wont have to pay for shipping/ transportation.
  • Middleton Place

    Big Southern Plantation