The Dutch Discover Tin, Oil and Rubber in the Indonesian Islands
The Dutch east Indies were a series of islands including Java, Sumatra, and Borneo as thier largest. The Dutch gained Malacca from the Portuguese then they discovered tin and oil in those islands and they took over all of them. Later the chain of islands was called the Dutch Indies. The Dutch moved to the Indonesian Islands and changed the social class system. -
Period: to
Southeast Asia Imperialism
U.S. interested in Hawaii
In the 1790s Hawaii’s location was very attractive to the U.S., it was a port between China and East India. They slowly started sugar cane plantations. This island was valuable to Western Powers for coaling stations, rich soil, and naval bases. After 1865 business people from the United states and ther nations started to arrive. They eventually wanted more power. -
Death of Missionaries Leads to the Rise of French Indochina
In the 1840s seven French missionaries died while an anti-Christian leader was in charge, This then lead to the French military’s interference. The conquer expanded through the colonization of Laos, Cambodia and the rest of Vietnam. Tensions between French and Vietnamese over rice exports. -
Singapore completely contolled by British
The island of Singapore is on the tip of the Malay Peninsula. Britain's first recorded contact with Singapore was in 1819 , when a ship belonging to the British East India Company landed there. When the representative learned of the very few residents on the land he decided to purchase the land for a factory site. The spot grew to be a very important naval base in the British Empire. -
British Control Burma
Great Britian had control of two important colonies in Southeast Asia- Burma and Singapore. It was natural that the British should take an interest in Burma, as it was on the eastern border of India. After three wars gaining various parts of the country, the British finally occupied all of Burma. Britain made Burma a province of India in 1886 on the orders of the Secretary of State for India, Lord Randolph Churchill. -
French Gains
The eastern part of Southeast Asia contained three small nations which had no type of stable government. They were under the influence of the neighboring Siam. The French military took over the region and claimed it for France. They became known as the French Indochina. Both Great Britian and French nibbled at the borders of Siam and eventually came to an agreement that an independent Siam was a good buffer state between them. -
McKinley Tariff Act
After the McKinley Tariff Act was passed by the U.S. government sugar production changed to what is worse and started a crisis. It ended the tax paid on all of the sugar imported in the U.S which made it the same price as all of the other sugar. The U.S took part of the Hawaiian land. The tarrif were taxes placed on foreign goods by federal governments. By placing taxes on foreign goods, these products become more expensive, solving the crisis. -
Queen Liluokalani ended Her Reign
After the business people from the U.S. and other ntions started coming to Hawaii due to their great resources they wanted more control. She faced increasing pressure from the business people but didn't want foreigners to control Hawaii. She tried to change the treaties that allowed them to stay. She eventually gave up they control to avoid bloodshed so she agred to step down from the throne. In 1893 the business leaders gained enough power her reign. -
The Spanish American War
The United Statesbecame deeply involved with Latin America. The problem grew out of disagreement with Spain over Cuba. The war started with the explosion of the Maine battleship. After the Spanish American War, the United States gained rule over the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Filipino’s were not happy about the result of the war having to get a different colonizer. Independence was declared after this war by the nationalists not the Americans. -
The Samoa Island Treaty
The United States had gained the right to use the harbor city of Pago Pago on the island of Tutulia. Germany and Great Britian had similar rights which caused conflict. The rivalry among the three foreign powers continued for a number of years until they came close to war. They finally signed a treaty in 1899. Great Britian withdrew, United States gainted control of Tutuila and six other islands, and Germany gained control of all the other islands.