Southeast Asia History

  • Jun 13, 1200

    The Arrival of the Thais

    The Arrival of the Thais
    The Thais arrived in the 1200s from Southeast China . Later , Buddhism began replacing Hinduism in this region . Buddhism had just arrived from India .
  • Jun 13, 1500

    The Colonization of Southeast Asia

    The Colonization of Southeast Asia
    The Colozination of Southeast Asia started during the 1500s. European powes were lead by Portugal , They came searching for spices , tea , and other trading goods .
  • Jun 13, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan's Discovery ...

    Ferdinand Magellan's Discovery ...
    In 1521 , Magellan reached the Phillipines to claim for Spain . They came to colinize , trade , and sprad Roman Catholicism . Catholicism is still the main religion there today .
  • The Arrival of Dutch Traders

    The Arrival of Dutch Traders
    In the 1600s , Dutch traders drove the Portugese out of the region . Portugal lost all land but Timor . The Dutch now controlled spice and tea trade in the Dutch East Indies ( now Indonesia ) .
  • French and British Colonization

    French and British Colonization
    In the 1800s , The British and French colonized colonized with plantations , railroads , and mines . People from China and India came to work . The British and French spread Christianity around this region .
  • The U.S. Ownership of the Philippines

    The U.S. Ownership of the Philippines
    In 1898 , the U.S. won the Philippines from Spain . Colonial powers ruled most o the region . The only part of that region that was never colonized is Thailand .
  • The World War 1 Japanese Invasion of the Philippines

    The World War 1 Japanese Invasion of the Philippines
    In 1939-1945 , Japan invaded most of Southeast Asia . Japan did not come out victorious , so the U.S. granted the Philippines independece . After the Philippines became indepenent , many other countries pursued independence as well .
  • Civil Wars in Cambodia

    Civil Wars in Cambodia
    Very bloody , gruesome wars occured in Cambodia in 1954 . Indochina split into the new countries of Cambodia , Laos , and Vietnam . In 1970 , most of Southeast Asia had ended colonial rule .
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    Indonesia was divided into North and South Vietnam . War broke out between the North and South .. so the U.S. sent troops to defend the countries from Communist forces .
  • The Emergence of the Khmer Civilization

    The Emergence of the Khmer Civilization
    Khmer was the most advanced early civilization from AD 800s-1200s . They once controlled Cambodia . They practiced mainly Hinduism .