Southeast Asia

By 244434
  • Jun 13, 1200

    The Arrival of the Thais

    The Arrival of the Thais
    1200s Thai from Southern China settled in Khmer.
    Around that time Buddhism began replaceing Hinduism.
    It was introduced earlier from India and Sir Lanka.
  • Jun 13, 1500

    Colonization Of Southeast Asia

    Colonization Of Southeast Asia
    European powers started colonizing Southeast Asia during 1500s.
    Led by Portugal, European Powers.
    Came to region in search of spices and other trade goods.
  • Jun 13, 1521

    Ferdinand Magelland's discovery

    Ferdinand Magelland's discovery
    Reached Phillipeans claimed islands of Spain.
    Spainiards came to colinize trade and spread Roman Catholicism.
    Religion remains the main faith today.
  • Arrival of Dutch Traders

    Arrival of Dutch Traders
    Drove Portuguese out of much of region.
    Portuguese kept only small islands of Timar.
    Dutch gaind control of Tea and Spice, trade which became the "Dutch East Indies".
  • Period of French and Bitisn Colonization

    Period of French and Bitisn Colonization
    The British and French set up colonies with plantations, railroads, and mines.
    Many People from China and India came to work in the colonies.
    The British and French spread Christianity as well.
  • US Ownership of the Philippines

    US Ownership of the Philippines
    United States entered the region when it was the Philippines.
    Colonal powers ruled most of the region.
    Only the Siam was never colonized, but lost much land.
  • The WW2 Japanese invasion of Philippines

    The WW2 Japanese invasion of Philippines
    Japan invaded and occupied most of Southeast Asia.
    Japan lost war, US gave Philippines Independance.
    Soon, other people in region started to fight for Independance.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    Fighting to oust the french left Vietnam divided into North and South Vietnam.
    Civil war then broke out in the South.
    To defend South Vietnam from Communist forces in the war, US sent troops.
  • the Civil wars in Cambodia

    the Civil wars in Cambodia
    !975--Communist forces took over Cambodia and Laos.
    Government in Cambodia is Brutal causing deaths of over 1 Million people there.
    1978--Vietnam helped over-throw the government which sparked further fighting, on and off to Mid-1990's.
  • The Emergence Of Khmer Civilization

    The Emergence Of Khmer Civilization
    800s to 1200s khmer controlld a large empire (Cambodia).
    Khmer is the most advanced early civilization.
    Remains of Angkor Wat, Reflect their advances in civilization and their Hindu religon.