Opium War (1839-1842)
Due to this Isolation that China was undergoing, there was a lot of tention in this country. Britain at this time was making a great deal of money importing Opium to China. China didn't really like this business that Britain was holding in China, so China destroyed approximately 20,000 opium chests, sparking the Opium war between China and Britain and essentially other western countries. -
Japan opens to Foreign Trade
Japanese leaders decided in the 1850's that it was time to open up Japan to foreign trade. Treaties were signed with countries like Europe, giving them certain privileges. This decision was based on the result of the Opium Wars between China and Great Britain, because they didn't want to risk the war. -
Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864)
This Civil War in Southern China is noted at "one of the deadliest military conflicts in history." Roughly 20 million lives were taken during the Opium War. This war is noted as a "radical political and religious upheaval". -
Tōkai earthquake
France Takes Control of Southeast Asia
France moved into Vietnam in 1858, capturing Saigon in 1859. They used the south as a base and moved west and north conquering Indochina by 1907. The French wanted to retain their colony after the Second World War. -
Speeding up of Industrialization
Industrialization was speeding up and led to many positive and negative events in Southeast Asia. It often led to unwanted foreign influence from Europe and other countries, like the British and French colonizing plantations. People from China and India came to work. The British and French spread Christianity around this region. -
Meiji Restoration (1868–1912)
Japan is now transferred to a more of a modern area in Military Power. Japan became more modernized through Western Influence. Japan was transformed to a modern industrial power through this movement. -
The Constitution of the Empire of Japan
This constitution really has corolation with the American Constitution. For example, through the signing of this document, Japanese civilians gained much more freedom. Some of this included freedom of speech, publication, religion, property rights, and protection from illegal arrest. -
Mino–Owari earthquake
The Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)
When Japan interviened with the Korean Rebellion, they were soon established as an imperial power. (Japan also defeated China during this time.) But later Europe gets fed up with Japan and forces them to return some claims.