China tiger

South China Tiger

  • First Piece of Evidence

    First Piece of Evidence
    South china tigers were found in Funjian
  • Last verified record

    Last verified record
    In the early 1970's, the South China tiger was known to have its last verified record
  • Beginning of Salvation of the South China Tiger

    Beginning of Salvation of the South China Tiger
    In 1977, the south Chinese Tiger was classified as protected, as hunted was prohibited.
  • Relict Population

    Relict Population
    Since the 1980's, the South China reaches a relict population on its kind.
  • Estimation of the south china tiger population

    Estimation of the south china tiger population
    By 1982, only an estimated 150–200 South China tigers remained in the wild
  • Chinese zoos keeping south china tigers

    Chinese zoos keeping south china tigers
    As of March 1986, 17 Chinese zoos kept 40 purebred South China tigers.
  • Continued Survival

    Continued Survival
    In the late monts of the 1990's Chinese tigeres were unlikly due to low prey density
  • Chinese Tigers Went Instinct

    Chinese Tigers Went Instinct
    In early 1996 the south Chinese tiger is known by scientists to be "functionally instinct"
  • Inbreeding of the south china tiger

    Inbreeding of the south china tiger
    In 2005, the captive population of South China tigers consisted of 57 tigers left, problem was that breeding was not working as it should have
  • Declaration of extinction of South China Tiger

    Declaration of extinction of South China Tiger
    In May 2007, the Government of China reported to the cites Secretariat that there is no confirmed presence, as south Chinese tigers were not seen or heard of, and declared the goal to reintroduce South China tigers to the wild.