South Africa Dates

By samsam
  • British capture Boers

    British captured the Boers
  • The Great Trek

    British abolished slavery
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    Britain fought against the 2 Afrikaner republics to cement control of the region.
  • British rule in S.A

    Britain forces the Transvaal and Orange Free State into the British empire.
  • Union of South Africa

    Union of South Africa formed.
  • Union of South Africa

    Union unites Cape Colony and Natal with the other two as Union of South Africa
  • WW2

    South Africa joins Britiain against Nazis.
  • National Party win

    National Party won the election, D.F. Malan is PM.
    Universal declaration of human rights made.
  • Guhu

    Voortrekker Monument
    ANC Youth League created
    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act passed
  • Acts

    Population Registration Act
    Suppression of Communism Act
    Group areas Act
  • Acts 2

    Prevention of illegal squatting act
    Separate representation of voters act
    Bantu authorities act
  • Act3

    Pass laws act
    ANC leads defiance campaign
  • Bantu education act

  • Freedom charter

    Freedom charter
    Tomlinson commission on the homelands
  • Sekhukhuneland revolt

    Sekhukhuneland Revolt
    H. F. Verwoerd becomes prime minister
    African opposition peaks
  • Cato manor riots