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South Africa

By _.Clara
  • Dutch arrive at Cape

    Dutch arrive at Cape
    Dutch arrive at cape and establish a colony, This is important in the forming of Afrikaner identity as they created an idea that they were the original founders of South Africa and are therefore the superior race in South Africa. This was used as an excuse to implement Aparthied and Supress other races
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    British takeover

    British forces seize Cape Colony from the Netherlands. Territory is returned to the Dutch in 1803
  • Slavery abolished

    Slavery abolished
    The British abolished slavery, this imposed on the Afrikaner way of life as they depended on slaves for manual labour and this gave Black South Africans an opportunity at prosperity
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    The Great Trek

    Boers leave Cape Colony in the 'Great Trek' and found the Orange Free State and the Transvaal.
  • Gold is discovered in Transvaal

    Gold is discovered in Transvaal
    The gold changed the face of the Transvaal. Before 1886 it had been a poor, struggling Boer republic but ten years later, it was the richest gold mining area in the world. As news of the gold find spread throughout South Africa and the rest of the world, men made their way to the Transvaal. This contributed in ‘Afrikaners feeling like strangers in their home” as people became wealthier and built more industrialised buildings and gave Black South Africans more jobs.