Chapters 1-6 Pages 1-120.
bethany tells about her family and there surfer histiry. She descibes where she lives, and hr friends and daily activities. She tells about all the competitions shes been in, and how great an taklented she'd been before she had an accident. -
Chapters 7-11 Pages 120-180
She explains the perfect day when the sharkbit her arm off. it was a perfect warm sunny day, and she was with her friend Alana, and her dad and brother. She was lying on her surfboard, when she saw a flash of gret nd then she was rushed to the hospital because her arm was gone. -
Chapters 11--14 pages 180-213
Bethany tells about how her fail got her through her situation. the missions trip she attented in Mexico heped alot of people out by explaing her story, and showing there's always hope